In Dubai, more and more people get problem in their body from the daily work. Scoliosis is a spinal affliction that causes the spine to curve sideways. While this can certainly cause pain, people with scoliosis often experience back pain because they strain their muscles to compensate for the lateral curve of their spine. If you are experiencing back pain caused by muscle strain or other side effects of scoliosis, there are steps you can take to eliminate that pain and feel like yourself again.
We can give some ways to fix them, the best of all is a nice massage in Dubai. Could give you full body relax.
Seeking Alternative Professional Treatments
Try massage therapy. Massage therapy may help relieve back pain, including pain caused by scoliosis.You should have a licensed massage therapist who is trained in medical massage perform your massages. Medical massage is different than simple relaxation massage.
Make sure your massage therapist is licensed to practice in your area. The American Massage Therapy Association has a search feature that will help you find licensed and/or certified massage therapists near you.
Be aware that most health insurance plans do not pay for massage treatments. You may have better luck if your doctor provides you a referral for medical massage.
Speak with your doctor before seeking alternative therapies. It’s important that your doctor be kept informed of everything you do to treat your scoliosis and back pain. Letting your doctor know about alternative treatments you’re investigating will help all of your care providers work together effectively.
Your doctor may also be able to give you referrals to credible licensed professionals in your area.
Finding Immediate Relief
Take over-the-counter pain relievers. Over-the-counter medicine is that which can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor. In particular, you should try non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . NSAIDs come in tablet, capsule, and spray form and help to relieve pain as quickly as possible. This sort of medicine works to block prostaglandins--the chemicals responsible for mediating pain. When they become blocked, pain also becomes blocked. However, keep in mind that you should never go over the dosage directions written on the bottle of the medication.
Use a hot pack.
If you are experiencing muscle spasms that are causing pain, use a hot pack. The heat will work to soothe the pain, calm the muscle spasms, and reduce joint stiffness.
Wrap the hot pack in a towel and then gently place the hot pack on the affected spot. Leave the hot pack on for 20 to 30 minutes.
Use a cold compress.
Cold compresses can be used on strained muscles. Ice is generally more useful to reduce swelling and inflammation. In the case of a cold compress, you should cover the affected area for 20 minute increments over the course of 24 hours.
If you don’t have a cold compress, you can make your own by wrapping an unopened bag of frozen vegetables in a cloth.
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