This is the most effective way to make your leg thin and beautiful - massage! Not only speed up the metabolism, promote blood circulation, but also can eliminate legs edema, thin legs, legs become effective good-looking, let your body ready to enter the summer in advance!
Calf and knee massage
1, sitting in a chair, a leg is raised, on the other leg knee. Hands fingers naturally together, starting from the ankle, pressure on the calf muscle, with fingers down leg massage to the knee.
2, knees bent, sitting in a chair, both hands on the knees, thumb on the outside, the rest of the fingers to hold the leg downward. Use thumb abdominal power works, from the top down, down the knee massage 10 times.
3, legs straight to sit in the bathtub, bubble bath, rubbing his knee. Right leg bend your knees slightly raised his right hand clenched fists, with little the roots of the lateral part of the second joint to the palm, gently knocking knees.
Leg massage
1, knees bent, sitting on a chair, legs apart, bend your arms and fingers naturally open, use the palm and finger joint squeezing pressure on the thigh muscle, from knee to ham root ministry, last time around 15 times.
2, on his knees, upper body and legs straight, rested on her hips hand clenched fists, starting from the knee nest, down the back thigh, has been down gently back thigh muscles to the thighs.
3, finally stand up and bend your arms and fingers together, with the palm from the graze thighs, and lift up to the hips, about 15 times.
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